The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? - it is the same the angels breathe.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Paper planes???? I know that this is late but I've finally decided that I want to do paper planes. The different type of planes and how temperature and wind speed can affect the distance they travel. The experiment, I feel, is quite realiable in the fact that all the variables will be controlled by me. All experiments, if the same type of plane is needed, will be conducted with exactly the same planes and I will experiment with the different temperatures and wind speeds.
I have an efficient way of recording the wind speed and temperature and therefore I feel that this experiment will be quite good.
The final details, I will post tomorrow. I have already started my experiment and it is going quite well.


  1. Dude, Where's your blog? Seriously, i was wondering if your blog fact i'm still wondering...does your blog exist? Seriously, if i post this comment is it actually going to go somewhere?...naah, just jokes (but seriously, your blog was harder to find than Castiels teeth...i mean, when was the last time anyone actually saw those)

    anyways, was just checkin out da blogzes coz i was bored....cya

  2. well, thanx...I like to keep a low profile...literally
